Photo taken by Robert Alcala

Photo taken by Robert Alcala

What is Reiki?

Reiki is a simple and gentle non-invasive method of hands-on energy transfer. Energy flows from the hands of the Reiki practitioner into the cells of the person being treated, re-establishing balance and harmony on the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual planes so the natural function is restored through harmonizing and optimizing body/mind processes.

While on a meditation retreat on Mt. Kurama, a holy mountain in Japan, Mikao Usui became aware of Reiki energy and discovered that it enhanced his healing abilities. The term comes from two Japanese words, “Rei,” meaning “universal”, and “Ki,” meaning “life force energy.” Reiki can be loosely translated as “universal life-force energy.”

The practice of Reiki evolves the longer one spends with it and cultivates the relationship. In the beginning, one my feel a change physically, mentally, and/or emotionally but ultimately, its deepest purpose is to return us to Wholeness through spiritual practice.

How does Reiki work?

Reiki increases the “life force energy” that flows through and around us that causes us to be alive. The life force is responsive to our thoughts and feelings, and can become disrupted and diminished by negative thoughts or feelings, especially about ourselves. If this energy is low, we face increased risk of becoming sick or stressed. If our life force energy is high, we increase our likelihood and abundance with regard to happiness and health.

Reiki gives a positive boost of “ki” which raises the energy field’s vibratory level in and around the negatively affected areas of the body, which in turn causes negative energy to decrease and, eventually, subside completely. Hence, Reiki restores the healthy, natural flow of the life force.

Is Reiki Treatment for Me?

As noted in the testimonials section, several of the benefits that can come from Reiki treatment are:

  • Decrease in anxiety, stress/tension, muscle stress, fatigue, and relief of grief, feelings of loneliness and depression

  • Assist with overcoming addiction, eating disorders, trauma/PTSD

  • Improvement in levels of sleep as well as quality of rest

  • Strengthen immunity, digestive issues, and endocrine imbalances

  • Promotes feelings of wellness and energy after surgery and injuries, as well as ailments including headaches, anxiety, heart disease, cancer, and epilepsy

  • Reduction in negative side effects of chemotherapy and radiation treatment for cancer patients

In conjunction with conventional treatment, Reiki treatments have been shown to enhance the benefits of psychotherapy, surgery, and medication. As such, Reiki treatments are offered as a component of integrated care at hospitals and other healthcare facilities.

Reiki and Conventional Medicine

For those who are new to Reiki, especially those with chronic issues, Reiki with Racqui recommends four sessions within a condensed timeframe such as a week to ten days, depending on mutual scheduling and availability.

Physical and emotional ailments can develop and worsen as time passes, and for this reason both the practitioner and the client should work together over several sessions until the body and mind begin to respond positively to the application of Reiki treatment. Initial treatment provides a glimpse as to the symptoms to be worked, and introduction to the energy flow can assist with opening the body/mind over time. This leads to the second treatment, where both body and mind are more relaxed and attuned, hence leading to the third and fourth sessions providing a higher level of synchronicity in both the practitioner and client to the flow of Reiki treatment.

Upon completing the fourth session, the client is recommended to return weekly (if necessary) until they can attest to a more well-balanced feeling of wellness.