As a recipient of Racqui’s distant treatments, I have been grateful on a number of occasions to be treated with the amazing and healing powers of reiki. One particularly memorable instance was during a period of severe anxiety in which nausea was so extreme that I couldn’t even drink water without feeling intense pain in my abdominal region. Racqui’s distant treatment initially kept my symptoms at bay; a gradual path of returning to normalcy then followed. It was such a relief to know I could receive support from the comfort of my own home without really having to ‘do’ anything.
— Ariana R., New York
I still cannot get my head around distance treatments. But the only thing I know is it works and it has been helping me. It is as if my life is taken by the invisible hand to a right direction - very subtle and yet very real.

My first experience with distance reiki with Racqui was for my piano performance. During the concert, I was nervous and yet focused. In some part, I got into the zone. My second experience was with my father’s cancer surgery, which went very well and he recovered rather quickly. She also sent me reiki during and after his surgery to ease my grief.

During the pandemic time, I received a series of distance treatments on a regular basis, every three or four weeks. It was then that I started to really sense the protection of reiki around me. I felt a protective bubble, and happiness and peace are manifesting in my life. I am very grateful for reiki and Racqui’s distance treatments.
— Kanae M., New York
Racquel is a very gentle, patient and well-intentioned therapist. She gave me a distance Reiki session to bring more joy, clarity and optimism into my daily life. I quickly felt a sense of well-being and openness to the world. I really like the fact that she is so available and caring, which is important to create a trustworthy relationship and optimal treatment, as the more specific and open you are about your needs, the better she can help you.
— Cyril C., Netherlands
I don’t fully understand reiki and I’m not sure if I ever will but I trust those that trust it. Sometimes when I land at an airport, my ears pop so bad that the pain becomes unimaginable and I lose my hearing. The last time this happened, I desperately texted Racqui and asked her to reiki my ears as I had nowhere else to turn to mitigate the pain. She was 2600 miles away and I had no idea what it would be like. But 45 minutes later, my ears cracked, the blunt pain became far more subtle, and I regained most of my hearing. At the exact moment the crack happened was when I received a text from Racqui that she just finished the mini-treatment. I still don’t know how reiki works but it works.
— Zach S., Connecticut
Racqui has been a true gift to me. Every session with her allows me to dig deeper inside myself and understand my body more deeply. During a time of great difficulty in my life, working with her has given me a greater sense of hope and relief. At times filled with great fear and anxiety, Racqui has opened the door for me to heal more deeply, connecting me more to my intuition and sense of self. I will be working with her for so many years to come as the work we have done together has just begun. I couldn’t be more grateful.
— Rachel F., New York