I cannot recommend Racqui enough for the enlightening Reiki session I received.

Being a little skeptical about this treatment, I found Racqui able to settle my nerves. The visions, energies, and feelings that flowed through me/her in that hour have been life changing. Long after the treatment, I can still feel the warmth of the energy flows that are a direct result of this. Since the treatment, I am a new person. I have lost over 20lbs in weight, have a new attitude to love/life and am truly able to understand myself.

Thank you so much, Racqui. You are a life changer.
— Andrew G., St. Kitts and Nevis
Racqui’s in-person treatments are magical. No two sessions are ever the same and yet every session results in a serene sense of healing. Her thoughtfulness and intuition pair together beautifully with her desire to meet your needs and her post-treatment insights and guidance are invaluable.
— Ariana R., New York
My session was incredible! Racqui literally helped unblock and unlock my pain body. I have felt so changed ever since. I can’t wait for the next session. Thank you so much for bringing that healing into my life!
— Shea C., Tennessee
Racquel is a natural! I went into my Reiki session skeptical. I just wanted to see what all the hype was about. I was completely blown away by the experience. The session was so relaxing and meditative. The feeling of relaxation stayed with me for a few days. After just a few sessions my stress level has dropped dramatically. Even though I can’t explain how Reiki works scientifically, thanks to Racquel I’m now a believer!
— Samira Z., New York
Racqui is truly incredible. Her ability to feel energy was astonishing, as she not only pinpointed areas that had manifested themselves as physical pain, but the emotional causes behind them. She cleansed these pains, and remarkably, the physical pain I was feeling was alleviated.

She is truly gifted and special. I’m honored to be her client.
— Gabe W., New York
I have done a number of different types of energy work in the past. Racqui’s Reiki sessions work most effective to me. At the first session, I felt my heart warm and open. The second time, I felt calm and freer. Racqui is very kind, warm, and honest. She is also so grounded that I felt comfortable and easy to open up to her from the very beginning.
— Kanae M., New York
At first, I didn’t believe in such a thing but I tried it anyway. When it started, there was nothing and then suddenly, a feeling of strong heat over the site of my damaged intestines arose and her hands kept on getting hotter but it felt wonderful and felt it was exactly what was needed. I then mentioned that I also had lower back pain and the reiki made me feel much better. I couldn’t have a full treatment with her then but I look forward to having a full treatment with her in the near future. Racquel is my go-to person for Reiki.
— Ali S., Iraq
To be very honest, I had never heard of Reiki until Racqui introduced me to it, although my interest was quickly piqued when she told me that it had to do with energy healing. I am one of those people that believe in “The Secret”, that one’s thoughts and the energy that s/he sends out to the universe through those thoughts have a direct effect on his/her life. I had a few questions, and she answered all of them so well that I decided to give it a try.

The thing that struck me the most during our first session was the strong feeling of warmth emanating from Racqui’s hands. It was so warm that I thought she actually had her palms on me, but she told me later on that that was not the case. It was the energy. I was so relaxed by the session that I even dozed off for a bit, and when it was over, I felt such a deep feeling of warmth and calmness - I could finally have the best rest I had had in a long time!

What surprised me the most was that, during my session, Racqui was able to identify some parts of my body where I was feeling some sort of pain or discomfort. I had never really discussed those feelings with anyone else before as I did not take them seriously, but the fact that Racqui was able to pick up on them during our session was incredible! I remember that Racqui said she sensed an imbalance between my left and right spheres, and believe it or not, just a few weeks before that, an X-ray showed that my spine was slightly crooked and leaned to one side!

I look forward to having another session do treatment the next time I see her and I am definitely interested in exploring deeper into the world of Reiki!
— Myron DLP, California
I was skeptical about Reiki or any alternative medicine at first, but after a few sessions with Racquel, I can say that I do feel a sense of deep calm and relaxation each time we have a session. There are also a number of things I cannot ignore: Racquel’s hands do get burning hot on contact, the experience of feeling something flowing into me, and a clearer mind and improved focus. In any case, I am satisfied with the experience and I have become less skeptical with each session.
— Gaspard S., France
I approached Racquel about an initial Reiki treatment because I was in slump in my life both professionally and personally, despite having “it” together. I was curious about Reiki treatments from growing up in SF Bay Area but still had many reservations. Racquel spent some time with me to answer my questions and to listen to my intentions for coming to Reiki with thoughtful and pointed questions. I felt comfortable and relaxed in her home studio. While I don’t prescribe to a cure-all solution, after my initial session, I felt re-awakened and experienced a stronger connection to my body and energies. It felt like a load of heaviness had fallen off which I can best only describe; that is why I encourage you to discover yourself by booking a Reiki treatment with Racquel!
— Naomi F., New York
Racqui is an excellent reiki practitioner — she is kind, patient, and adept at establishing an atmosphere that is both inviting and peaceful. During my first session with her, I was able to harness my thoughts and breathing, and ultimately experience some much-needed equanimity. I highly recommend reiki with Racqui, and look forward to my next session with her!
— Matt L., New York
I was a skeptic until I started having Reiki sessions with Racqui. I could not deny the difference that I felt after she worked on me. I also have become more aware of the energies in my body thanks to Racqui, and she has a power to heal and calm your body. I highly recommend Racqui to anyone.
— Nina R., New York
I am really glad that I could experience my first Reiki healing with Racqui. More than two weeks after our session, I still feel charged and relaxed. It’s been a long time I have felt my heart being so much open and peaceful. I can also express myself easier, feel lighter, hopeful and definitely stronger. I would highly recommend her to anyone seeking the healing power of Reiki.
— Kriss, Slovakia
Fairly new to receiving Reiki treatment, my experience with Racqui has always been consistent, I always come out of the session with a lighter and more positive sense of well-being. In our current situation, to say that we are dealing with problems, or coping with stress is a common state, they are ingrained into our daily lives. There are options, on one end, we can treat these emotional states with prescription medication, and deal with side effects, and on the opposite end there are holistic ways to help us face these situations. I gave Reiki a chance, and it has always been great. Racqui’s practice provides a space of peace and calm. The session usually begins with a conversation, it allows you to communicate with her why you sought one, followed by the treatment. It is easy to describe my own experience, but we all have our unique set of problems, and with that, the experience with Reiki is uniquely one’s own. Nothing will replace a first hand account. I highly recommend one to give it a try. Being a regular client is the highest recommendation one can give.
— Victor D., New York
Racquel Borromeo brings a focused dedication and unique outlook to all things, but especially her delivery of Reiki. Using her positive, caring energy, she goes out of her way to ensure comfort throughout the entire process, from planning the treatment, to arranging and implementing the session itself, and follow up afterwards. Racqui’s compassion and charisma, coupled with her keen awareness of an individual’s energy, make her an excellent choice for Reiki administration.
Prior to beginning the treatment, she thoroughly explored my earlier experience with Reiki, my medical history, and any concerns. As someone trying Reiki for the first time, I was, admittedly, a bit nervous, but Racqui quelled my fears and helped me to relax. She shared her own experiences with Reiki, including some challenges she had faced.
Once the treatment began, Racqui quickly exhibited her natural abilities and energy connection. She identified specific areas in my body requiring attention and concentrated intently on them. Words can’t do justice to describe the feeling of energy movement and flow throughout my body. Immediately following the treatment I felt a profound sense of lightness and release.
After the treatment, Racqui checked in to ensure there were no issues. The immediate effects of the treatment were noticeable for several days afterward and the benefits lasted much longer. I’m delighted to recommend Racqui’s services to others and I look forward to experiencing another treatment with her!
— Aaron D., New York